30 Days to Better Health.

30 Seconds to Absorb.

Nutrition Fast

30 Days to Better Health
30 Seconds to Absorb
Nutrition Fast

Envai provides the fastest delivery of nutrition of any supplement

Envai offers rapid dose dissolvable strips for immediate absorption.

Purest Ingredients. Absolute Results.

Envai provides the fastest delivery of nutrition of any supplement

Envai offers rapid dose dissolvable strips for immediate absorption.

Purest Ingredients. Absolute Results.


All Natural Mental Clarity
and Sleep Support


All Natural Mental Clarity
and Sleep Support

Fast Acting Nano Dissolve Strips

Envai is a breakthrough in nutritional science through a proprietary method for delivering potent plant-based nutrition at a cellular level. Envai offers rapid dose dissolvable strips for fast absorption. This proprietary technology allows for micro delivery of nano nutrients directly into the body.  Envai’s goal in formulating its product is to produce the most nutrient dense products of its type with rapid dosing technology using the purest ingredients which deliver absolute results.

Fast Acting Nano Dissolve Strips

Envai is a breakthrough in nutritional science through a proprietary method for delivering potent plant-based nutrition at a cellular level. Envai offers rapid dose dissolvable strips for fast absorption. This proprietary technology allows for micro delivery of nano nutrients directly into the body.  Envai’s goal in formulating its product is to produce the most nutrient dense products of its type with rapid dosing technology using the purest ingredients which deliver absolute results.